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Understanding Java: Chapter 20

These pages contain links to the programs that are developed in Chapter 20. The title of this chapter is: Writing applets (for use with the WWW).
Simple.htmlA simple set of HTML instructions
HelloApplet.htmlSome HTML instructions to run the HelloApplet applet
HelloApplet.javaThe code of the HelloApplet applet paints a string
NewHelloApplet.htmlSome HTML instructions to run the NewHelloApplet applet
NewHelloApplet.javaA version of HelloApplet that uses the Swing API from Java 2
ParamApplet.htmlSome HTML instructions to run the ParamApplet applet
ParamApplet.javaUsing getParameter to get information from an applet
JLabelApplet.htmlSome HTML instructions to run the JLabelApplet applet
JLabelApplet.javaAn applet that adds a JLabel to its content pane
ShapesJComponentApplet.javaAn applet that reads a data file from the applet
PopMenuApplet.javaAn applet produced by copying most of the code of PopMenuProg
PopMenuProg.javaPopMenuProg rewritten to use the revised PopMenuApplet class
PopMenuApplet.javaPopMenuApplet reworked so that it can be used by PopMenuProg

© 1998-2002 Barry Cornelius
Any queries about this page should be sent to barry.cornelius@oucs.ox.ac.uk.
This page was last updated on 15 March 2001.