4.1. Using HTML to code WWW pages

When you use a WWW browser (such as Netscape's Navigator or Microsoft's Internet Explorer) to display a WWW page, you will see a combination of paragraphs of text, bulletted lists of information, tables of information, images, links to other pages, and so on. The people that have prepared WWW pages have coded them (or have arranged for them to be coded) using HTML (HyperText Markup Language).

Here is an example of some HTML:

0237: <HTML>
0238: <HEAD>
0239: <TITLE>A Simple Example</TITLE>
0240: </HEAD>
0241: <BODY>
0242: <P>
0243: This is the first sentence of the first paragraph.  And here is the
0244: second.
0245: Here is a third sentence.  And
0246: here is the last one of the first paragraph.
0247: </P>
0248: <P>
0249: Here is a second paragraph.
0250: It has a list of items:
0251: <OL>
0252: <LI>first point;</LI>
0253: <LI>second point;</LI>
0254: <LI>third point;</LI>
0255: </OL>
0256: </P>
0257: </BODY>
0258: </HTML>

We will suppose that this text has been stored in a file called Simple.html. The HTML language involves the use of tags which usually occur in pairs. An example is <P> and </P> which are used to indicate that the embedded text should be displayed by the WWW browser as a paragraph.

When someone (perhaps on the other side of the world) uses a browser to visit a WWW page, the HTML instructions are transferred across the Internet to the browser; the browser interprets these instructions and then displays something within the browser's window. The HTML given in the file Simple.html would cause a browser to display something like that shown in the Figure. Here is a link to a WWW page containing these HTML instructions: http://www.dur.ac.uk/barry.cornelius/papers/advanced+/code2/Applets/simple/Simple.html.