It is possible to mix the use of vendors' ORBs, e.g., to use OmniBroker to create the server and JavaIDL to create the client. Suppose OmniBroker's Naming Service and a server created using OmniBroker have been started by the commands:
nsserv --ior | tee nsserv.ior & java OB.CountNSIOR.CountServer `cat nsserv.ior` &then we can communicate with this server from a client that has been created using JavaIDL:
java IDL.CountNSIOR.CountClient `cat ../../OB/CountNSIOR/nsserv.ior`
It is also possible to use these the opposite way round, i.e., to use JavaIDL to create the server and OmniBroker to create the client. Suppose JavaIDL's Naming Service and a server created using JavaIDL have been started by the commands:
nameserv -ORBInitialPort 1050 | tee nameserv.ior & java IDL.CountNSIOR.CountServer `grep IOR nameserv.ior` &then we can communicate with this server from a client that has been created using OmniBroker:
java OB.CountNSIOR.CountClient `grep IOR ../../IDL/CountNSIOR/nameserv.ior`