3.8. Using a mix of JavaIDL and OmniBroker

It is possible to mix the use of vendors' ORBs, e.g., to use OmniBroker to create the server and JavaIDL to create the client. Suppose OmniBroker's Naming Service and a server created using OmniBroker have been started by the commands:

nsserv --ior | tee nsserv.ior &
java OB.CountNSIOR.CountServer `cat nsserv.ior` &
then we can communicate with this server from a client that has been created using JavaIDL:
java IDL.CountNSIOR.CountClient `cat ../../OB/CountNSIOR/nsserv.ior`

It is also possible to use these the opposite way round, i.e., to use JavaIDL to create the server and OmniBroker to create the client. Suppose JavaIDL's Naming Service and a server created using JavaIDL have been started by the commands:

nameserv -ORBInitialPort 1050 | tee nameserv.ior &
java IDL.CountNSIOR.CountServer `grep IOR nameserv.ior` &
then we can communicate with this server from a client that has been created using OmniBroker:
java OB.CountNSIOR.CountClient `grep IOR ../../IDL/CountNSIOR/nameserv.ior`