Here is a program that is divided into the above steps.
The program is written so that
it accesses either a database called
bjc1 that is attached to
an mSQL database server running on a computer called
or it uses the JDBC-ODBC bridge to access a database
The choice depends on a value passed on the command line
used to start the program:
0330: import java.sql.Connection; // 0331: import; 0332: import java.sql.DriverManager; 0333: import java.sql.ResultSet; 0334: import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; 0335: import java.sql.SQLException; 0336: import java.sql.SQLWarning; 0337: import java.sql.Statement; 0338: public class BothTion { 0339: public static void main(String[] args) { 0340: try { 0341: DataInputStream stdin = new DataInputStream(; 0342: Connection tConnection = null; 0343: String tURLString; 0344: if ( args[0].equals("bjc1") ) { 0345: Class.forName("COM.imaginary.sql.msql.MsqlDriver"); 0346: tURLString = "jdbc:msql://"; 0347: } 0348: else { 0349: Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); 0350: tURLString = "jdbc:odbc:cestria"; 0351: } 0352: boolean tStillTrying = true; 0353: int tNumberOfTries = 0; 0354: while (tStillTrying) { 0355: try { 0356: tConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(tURLString, "", ""); 0357: tStillTrying = false; 0358: } 0359: catch (Exception rException) { 0360: tNumberOfTries++; 0361: tStillTrying = (tNumberOfTries > 20); 0362: } 0363: } 0364: if ( tConnection == null ) System.out.println("tConnection is null"); 0365: check(tConnection.getWarnings()); 0366: Statement tStatement = tConnection.createStatement(); 0367: boolean tMoreSQLRequests = true; 0368: while (tMoreSQLRequests) { 0369: System.out.print("> "); 0370: String tSQLString = stdin.readLine(); 0371: try { 0372: if ( tSQLString.startsWith("select") ) { 0373: ResultSet tResultSet = tStatement.executeQuery(tSQLString); 0374: showResultSet(tResultSet); 0375: tResultSet.close(); 0376: } 0377: else if ( tSQLString.startsWith("quit") ) { 0378: tMoreSQLRequests = false; 0379: } 0380: else { 0381: // assume line contains a SQL insert, update or delete 0382: int tNumberOfRows = tStatement.executeUpdate(tSQLString); 0383: } 0384: } 0385: catch (Exception rException) { 0386: outputException(rException); 0387: } 0388: } 0389: tStatement.close(); 0390: tConnection.close(); 0391: } 0392: catch (Exception rException) { 0393: outputException(rException); 0394: } 0395: } 0396: private static void showResultSet(ResultSet rResultSet) throws SQLException { 0397: // Get the ResultSetMetaData. This will be used for 0398: // the column headings 0399: ResultSetMetaData tResultSetMetaData = rResultSet.getMetaData(); 0400: // Get the number of columns in the result set 0401: int tNumCols = tResultSetMetaData.getColumnCount(); 0402: for (int tColNum=1; tColNum<=tNumCols; tColNum++) { 0403: if (tColNum>1) System.out.print(", "); 0404: System.out.print(tResultSetMetaData.getColumnLabel(tColNum)); 0405: } 0406: System.out.println(); 0407: // Display data, fetching until end of the result set 0408: boolean tMoreRows =; 0409: while (tMoreRows) { 0410: // Loop through each column, getting the 0411: // column data and displaying 0412: for (int tColNum=1; tColNum<=tNumCols; tColNum++) { 0413: if (tColNum>1) System.out.print(", "); 0414: System.out.print(rResultSet.getString(tColNum)); 0415: } 0416: System.out.println(); 0417: // Fetch the next result set row 0418: tMoreRows =; 0419: } 0420: } 0421: private static boolean check(SQLWarning rSQLWarning) throws SQLException { 0422: boolean tReturnCode = false; 0423: if (rSQLWarning != null) { 0424: System.out.println("\n *** Warning ***"); 0425: tReturnCode = true; 0426: while (rSQLWarning != null) { 0427: System.out.println("SQLState: " + rSQLWarning.getSQLState()); 0428: System.out.println("Message: " + rSQLWarning.getMessage()); 0429: System.out.println("Vendor: " + rSQLWarning.getErrorCode()); 0430: System.out.println(); 0431: rSQLWarning = rSQLWarning.getNextWarning(); 0432: } 0433: } 0434: return tReturnCode; 0435: } 0436: private static void outputException(Exception rException) { 0437: if ( rException instanceof SQLException ) { 0438: SQLException tSQLException = (SQLException) rException; 0439: System.out.println("\n*** SQLException caught ***"); 0440: while (tSQLException != null) { 0441: System.out.println("SQLState: " + tSQLException.getSQLState()); 0442: System.out.println("Message: " + tSQLException.getMessage()); 0443: System.out.println("Vendor: " + tSQLException.getErrorCode()); 0444: tSQLException = tSQLException.getNextException(); 0445: System.out.println(); 0446: } 0447: } 0448: else { 0449: rException.printStackTrace(); 0450: } 0451: } 0452: }