You can then produce an appropriate HTML file in a file called AgesLet.html:
0572: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> 0573: <HTML><HEAD><TITLE> The AgesLet Program </TITLE></HEAD> 0574: <BODY> 0575: <APPLET ARCHIVE="AgesLet.jar.sig" CODE="AgesLet.class" WIDTH=700 HEIGHT=700> 0576: </APPLET> 0577: </BODY></HTML>Note that the APPLET in this HTML file has both an ARCHIVE and a CODE section. When a WWW browser accesses this page, it will download all the classes in the Java Archive AgesLet.jar.sig and then it will start interpreting the class that came from the file AgesLet.class.