Appendix: the order in which the material is taught
Examining the structure of Java programs
Constructing simple programs
Using objects and classes from Java's Core APIs
Reading values from the keyboard
Using arithmetic expressions to represent formulae
Using if statements to make decisions
Using for statements to repeat statements
Using methods to organize programs
Using other forms of control statements
Reading from and writing to files
Using interfaces and classes to produce new types
Looking at other examples of interfaces and classes
Providing a GUI: buttons and textfields
Manipulating collections: lists, queues and stacks
Decoupling the model from the user interface
Using enumerations, sets and maps
Providing a GUI: menus
Using arrays and implementing the List interface
Deriving a class from another class
Writing applets (for use with the WWW)
Looking briefly at other topics:
(a) starting another thread,
(b) declaring your own packages,
(c) the factory pattern,
(d) the JDBC API,
(e) client-server computing,
(f) generic types,
(g) standardization,
(h) finding information about Java.