Understanding Java   Chapters  01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21

Understanding Java: Chapter 19

These pages contain links to the programs that are developed in Chapter 19. The title of this chapter is: Deriving a class from another class.
Shape.javaA class that represents a two-dimensional geometrical figure
Circle.javaA class that represents a circle
Rectangle.javaA class that represents a rectangle
ShapesCollection.javaA class that stores a collection of Shapes read from a BufferedReader
ShapesToScreen.javaReading data about shapes and outputting this to the screen
Shape.javaA class that represents a two-dimensional geometrical figure
Circle.javaA class that represents a circle
Rectangle.javaA class that represents a rectangle
ShapesToScreen.javaA program that reads some data about shapes and outputs this to the screen
HelloJComponent.javaA class for an object that can display "Hello world"
HelloJComponentProg.javaA program that displays a HelloJComponent object
Shape.javaAn abstract class for two-dimensional shapes that has a draw method
Circle.javaThe Circle class is augmented with a draw method
Rectangle.javaThe Rectangle class is augmented with a draw method
ShapesCollection.javaA class that can store a collection of Shapes created from a BufferedReader
ShapesJComponent.javaA class for a GUI component that displays a collection of shapes
ShapesJComponentProg.javaA program that displays the shapes it finds in a file of data
ExitWindowAdapter.javaA class extending WindowAdapter that exits on closing the window
PersonInputDialogProg.javaA program that uses PersonInputDialog twice and then compares the two people
PersonInputDialog.javaA class that presents a dialog box for inputting values about a person
PersonForm.javaA class that can be used to create a form for a person
Student.javaThe Student interface
StudentImpl.javaA class that implements the Student interface
StudentImplProg.javaA program to test the Student interface and the StudentImpl class
Equality.javaAn abstract class that implements equals in terms of compareTo

© 1998-2002 Barry Cornelius
Any queries about this page should be sent to barry.cornelius@oucs.ox.ac.uk.
This page was last updated on 15 March 2001.